Sean Moloney

“When a new vocal ensemble launches on the concert scene it is cause for celebration and when this group is as skilled and as musically delightful as Castalia Vocal Consort then concertgoers everywhere should take notice. The ensemble work was nothing short of astonishing” — ClassikON


Brianna Louwen, Soprano

Amy Moore, Soprano

Stephanie Dillon, Mezzo-soprano

Christopher Watson, Tenor

Louis Hurley, Tenor

Philip Murray, Bass

Castalia Vocal Consort – exquisitely uplifting voices for modern Australia.

Artistic team Amy Moore and Stephanie Dillon lead Castalia with a focus on beauty of sound and a fearless approach to repertoire old and new. With internationally and nationally acclaimed Australian singers, Castalia combines exquisite vocal artistry with dynamic programming.

Audiences of Castalia will hear our incredible artists in immersive, interesting and inspiring spaces, in experiences that provoke and delight.  Working without a conductor, Castalia harnesses the incredible experience of our artists, performing avant garde repertoire alongside the most sublime music of the past.

Castalia combines the international and national experiences of our artists to contribute to, and enrich the professional vocal music landscape in Australia. Castalia aims to cultivate emerging talent and increase professional opportunities for musicians to aspire to in Australia.

Please note: artists and exact line-up subject to change


Songs of love, longing, and night-time wanderings

Castalia Vocal Consort presents a sublime program of music from the courts of the Italian Renaissance to the grungy laneways of NYC, alongside serenely beautiful night-time music. Renaissance composers Carlo Gesualdo and Claudio Monteverdi are known for their passionate and expressive madrigals, full of lust, longing and unrequited love. In this program they are complemented by contemporary works, including Australian composers Andrew Schultz and David Yardley. Their music could not be more contrasting; Schultz known for his modern approach and Yardley writing in a neo-mediaeval style. US composer Caroline Shaw, and British composers Howard Skempton and James Weeks each bring their own flavour of keenly-focused and sparing vocal writing, transcendentally beautiful and lacking nothing in their economy. 

Join Castalia for a stunning concert of vocal music across the ages.

Arcadelt Il bianco e dolce cigno 

Gesualdo Luci serene e chiare

Monteverdi Si, ch’io vorrei morire

Monteverdi Io mi son giovinetta 

Weeks Dilectus meus

Schultz Ekstasis

Skempton Rise up, my love

Shaw Dolce cantavi 

Gesualdo Mercè, grido piangendo

Sciarrino Rosso, rosso 

Yardley Twilight on the Snow

Wilbye Draw on, sweet night 

Trad. arr. Alnaes Jeg lagde meg sa silde

Skempton 4 by the clock

Monteverdi Rimanti in pace

Marenzio Nel dolce seno della bella Clori

Verdelot Ultimi miei sospiri


70 minutes no interval

6 music stands

Members of Castalia are happy to present a range of masterclasses and community workshops, including

  • Community choir workshop: vocal technique and improving ensemble skills for existing community choir

  • Open Masterclass for intermediate to advanced singers at university/conservatorium level: solo singing (Oratorio, New Music), small group ensemble singing (one voice-to-a-part)

  • Masterclass Workshop for small to medium choir

  • Composers’ workshop, working on and performing works for 4-6 singers

16 - 24 February 2024

12-30 June 2024

16-30 September 2024

Book an artist

Travel to centres in regional NSW is subsidised through the support of Create NSW. Musica Viva Australia can book the artists, arrange all travel and accommodation, provide posters, flyers and program information.
If you are interested in bringing an ensemble to your town or city, please contact:

Patrick Brearley

Manager, Regional Touring & Special Projects 

02 8394 6662

Videos coming shortly